Architect specialized in conducting research & leading projects in the fields of culture, diplomacy & design; locally & internationally.
— led by curiosity; passionate about design thinking & impacting communities through design.
∞ over the past few years, I’ve been fortunate to work with creatives from different walks of life around the world — to tell stories, create designs, develop strategies and curate experiences.
— My latest experience as one of the Office of Public & Cultural Diplomacy’s founding team members, entailed helping establish and build a vital diplomatic apparatus on which UAE’s missions internationally depend. I played a role in designing the OPCD strategy in support of the UAE’s cultural and public diplomacy efforts.
+ Moreover, I oversaw the ideation, curation and development of OPCD’s cultural programming which resulted in a 12 program initiative for which I have engaged international partnering entities and opportunities for collaboration. Throughout 2 years, I was privileged to work for and alongside Minister of State His Excellency Zaki Anwar Nusseibeh and Assistant Minister for Cultural Affairs His Excellency Omar Saif Ghobash, to whom I am deeply indebted.